Interesting website

This was an interesting website that I found as I was searching for immigration policy of the US.  This shows a website which is an org showing how the new administration is targeting with immigration. 

We see how they explain  the different groups that are being attacked at the moment.  It explains that the “social norms” that we were raised with and from generation  before still  exist even today.  We have seen the hate that is being inspired by this administration. 

In today’s society,  people from the Middle Eastern decent or more specifically people who are in the religion of Muslims are considered evil people. Throughout history it shows that as we keep moving forward we seek new groups to target.  For  example in the early times Irish, Italian were not very well accepted,  However  in today’s society we accepted them. 

This shows that as we keep moving towards to finally accepting a certain group or nationality, there is another group that become the next target.   

Timeline policy on immigration (continued) 

As we continue to go over  the previous post on the timeline, we see that in 1910 a senator from Vermont where at that time had one of the highest immigrants, felt that the “new immigrants ”  mostly from southern and eastern Europe and suggested a literacy test to restrict their entry to tge US.  We move on and see that after we denied the Chinese from becoming citizen,  in 1922 Japanese were made ineligible for citizenship. We also see that during that time there was a annual quotas put in place and in 1924 it was made permanent. It wasn’t untill 1943 during WW2 that the US named unity among allies,  which at that time China was a huge Ally and the Chinese exclusion act was repealed.  We see that the US will accept people that were banned from getting citizenship if it only benefit the country.  This shows the hipocracy of the US. If it benefit then we let you in, which is ridiculous to do to someone who wants to come to the US. Also we only limited them to 105 annual that will be granted citizenship. Also we also Japan limit to 185 annually. It wasn’t untill 1952 that the Immigration and Nationality Act was place to eliminate race as a bar to immigration  or citizenship.  Even though the act was place it made certain people have more restriction to enter in the US.  One of them was British colonies in order to not havr Black West Indians to enter under British colonies. As we keep moving on the timeline we see more restriction and it taken away. Thia shows that each administration was had ab impact in immigration policy.  For example with the tragedy that happen in 2001, President Bush was  focused on making sure that anyone entering the country had no affiliation with terrorists,  or have any social media,  or anyone endorsing terrorist acts, which is understandable.  However  the current President based terrorist on one specific culture,  which were the Muslims.  He targeted one specific group instead of doing the same as the former two Presidents that based it on terrorism on how they act and not by race or culture. 

Time line of Policy on Immigration

In this article it shows the timeline of policy of immigration overtime in the USA. As we go through the timeline,  we see a pattern of policies of immigration which most are solely based on race. It started back with the Irish and Italian. They accepted them but did not treat them as citizens.  They were seen as less than Americans.  They were seen as low as African Americans in that period.  As we keep moving forward on the timeline we see that in 1868 African Americans were granted citizenship with the 14th Amendment. Even though they were considered citizens,  they were still seen by some as animals.  The next people who were  targeted was the Chinese which in 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act was placed and it suspended Chinese immigrated for a period of Ten years.  In 1885, the contract Labor Law was put in place to stop the importation of unskilled aliens from overseas as labor.  In 1902, the Chinese Exclusion Act which didn’t allow Chinese to enter the US for ten years was placed back but  this time it was indefinitely. In 1906, the Procedural safeguards enacted for Naturalization,  which a basic requirements was that you need to know or have knowledge of English.  This made it harder for some immigrants to come in or get citizenship in the US.  Head tax was raised a year later to put more burden to immigrants. In the next post we will continue the timeline of policy on immigration in the US.  

How times have changed…..


Some administration to another immigration policies are always changing. In this article of The New York Times, it explained the difference of the Obama’s administration to the Trump’s administration. An examples of the Difference between the two administration is who will be deported. Under the Obama Admin. we see that the immigrants that were mostly deported were immigrants that were highly involved in gangs or were affiliated. Trump’s admin wants to remove ALL illegal immigrants no matter if they obey the law or not. Another Example is the “catch and Release policy” which in the Obama admin. it was stated that if an immigrant is caught illegally, they would be not be sent back but put under the process to be legal, on the other hand, Trump’s administration wants to get rid of this policy and catch them and have no mercy on them and not allow them to come back.  The DACA Act that was place under prev. admin is being challenge by the current administration, where in six months they will get rid of the DACA Act which protects illegal children dreamers. This administration is willing to go so far to the extreme on sanctioning any state with federal money if they were to help illegal immigrants.